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Monday, 12 November 2012

NHase numbers to November 2012

Looking at the bare search term "nitrile hydratase" amongst protein sequences (and remember, most aren’t but it’s a rough measure), today gives me 4199 hits (+ 7% since August), of which 1605 (+ 8% since August) were RefSeq data.
No new PDB files have been deposited of nitrile hydratases in the last 3 months.

No nitrile hydratases in Acidobacteria

There is another interesting taxonomic post on All Things Considered called "A Whiff of Taxonomy: The Acidobacteria". They are a phylum of difficult to culture soil borne bacteria. I couldn't find one that contained a nitrile hydratase anything like the one in Rhodopseudomonas palustris CGA009. No evidence of the key metal binding sequence for either Co or Fe NHase at all. Some do appear to have nitrilase type proteins.